Saturday, June 8, 2024

2024 Films: Locksmith

Locksmith by Corey Benson Powers
Chicago IL (Milwaukee Premiere)
Running Time: 8 minutes

Sunday Sept 8th, 3pm
Avalon Atmospheric Theater
2473 S Kinnickinnic Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207

Emma, a striving professional, has her morning routine interrupted when a slovenly locksmith arrives to fix her broken lock. She prepares for the day but soon realizes he has intentions other than repair.

Director Bio:

Corey left a promising career in zamboni driving to pursue filmmaking. He feels like he's transitioned into this new career as smoothly as he previously made the ice. When he's not making movies he enjoys talking about himself in the third person.

Director Statement:

My goal is to simply make movies that are entertaining. I'm not trying to change the world, I'll leave that to people far smarter and more influential than me. Hopefully you enjoy my work, and if not, that's ok too.

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